Rabu, 28 November 2012


Bulan Desember telah di depan mata, bulan dimana kita semua mulai mempersiapakan Natal. Dari satu perayaan ke perayaan yang lain, bahkan saking banyaknya perayaan kadang kita lupa akan makna Natal yang sesungguhnya. Desember membawa kepada kita banyak kebahagiaan dan juga “stress”. Jadi simpan dan renungkan Doa Natal di bawah ini. Kiranya Natal tahun ini membawa kebahagiaan dan kita bisa merayakannya dengan penuh kedamaian…. Be happy….

God, thank you for sending your Son to us. I know this time of year we often forget why we celebrate. We tend to be so caught up in planing for parties and gift giving that we forget why we are doing all of these things in the first place. Let me not forget the struggles and strife that Mary and Joseph faced in bringing your son, Jesus, into the world.
Yet, Lord, let me not forget the blessings you bestowed on them. You gave them a great gift of a child and you blessed them with shelter in a time when it seemed they might not have anywhere to stay. And then you brought our Savior into this world to two loving parents and believers who awaited his presence.
I cannot imagine your sacrifice, Lord, but I know that I am blessed by it. I know that every day I feel your presence and look around the world in wonder at your creation. So, this year as I decorate the tree, this year as I sing Christmas carols, let me not forget that Christmas is so much more than gifts and lights. Provide me with the presence of mind to keep me rooted in faith this season.
And let the world find the blessings I have found in you. As cliche as it may sound, let there be peace on earth this season. Let us have the hope and love in our lives that you brought us through the birth of Jesus.
Thank you, Lord. Thank you for bringing my Savior into the world, and thank you for your blessings on my life. Amen.

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